Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: Durban House
Release Date: October 2003
ISBN: 1930754450
Format Reviewed: Advance Review Copy
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Genre: Non-Fiction
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Suzie Housley
Reviewer Notes:  

Spores, Plagues and History
The Story of Anthrax
By Chris Holmes, M.D.

    9/11 changed the way Americans viewed the world. Overnight, the threat of terrorism became a reality. With American’s freedom at stake, and our lives facing an uncertain future, many feared the end was near.

    One of the most terrifying aspects is the realization that a 3rd world country could declare a war by using biological germ warfare. In October 2001, anthrax outbreaks filled the media headlines. What’s shocking to discover is this deadly disease has long been a part of history.

       Dr. Chris Holmes has done extensive research to enable readers to be able to revisit history and learn what diseases have plagued mankind from prehistoric times. His book presents a fascinating and frightening looking into what the past, present and future could hold for our society. Not only is it an intriguing reading experience, it offers a wealth of medical documentation that will call out to doctors worldwide.