Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Living Well With Epilepsy and Other Seizure Disorders

By Carl W. Bazil

     For a long time, people have pretty much looked to doctors for all of their information on a disease or condition. That has been changing in the last few years as information at our fingertips has led to an increased involvement of people in deciding how they will handle a particular condition.

     For anyone with Epilepsy or seizure disorder, Dr. Carl Bazil's voice is good one to add. He lays out just what epilepsy is in the simplest terms and takes it from there. Not only does he thoroughly discuss treatments currently available, but he gives hope for more advanced treatments which may one day be available. He also doesn't shy away from frank talk about what many consider to be "unconventional" treatments which many doctors won't discuss with patients.

     Having had two people I know very well be affected with the condition over the course of their lives, I learned quite a bit and gained plenty of insight reading this book. The writing is well-done and very readable as well as being informative, with stories of how various people have coped with the condition and made choices that were right for them. Anyone who has a friend, child, spouse, or other relative with epilepsy will benefit greatly from this book.

The Book

October 1, 2004
Nonfiction / Medicine, Neurology
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The Reviewer

Patti Aliventi
Reviewed 2005
© 2005