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Street Talk
Da Official Guide to Hip-Hop and Urban Slanguage

by Randy "Moe Deezy" Kearse

      It's become a normal sensation to feel the need for an interpreter while watching TV, listening to the radio, or enjoying a movie. Slang has become an integral part of popular style. Hip-Hop and Urban culture has embedded itself into the commonplace language via the younger generations that have come and gone, leaving a lasting mark on the world around them with every step. Now, for the "slanguage" impaired section of the population, Kearse has compiled a dictionary of slang.

Being an English major, I know that the language one's studying can be taxing when having to hone the style-shifting skills necessary to reach a wider range of audiences with one's writing. Being able to style shift is important and a writer can never have enough dictionaries to aid in writing a story or article that can be read by a wider audience. Kearse gives his audience a chance to broaden their linguistic horizons. Not to mention that some of the words that Kearse has compiled into this dictionary will have your reactions ranging from "so that's what that means" to "how in the world did they come up with this one?!" This dictionary is a definite must have.

The Book

September 30, 2005
Large Paperback
Nonfiction Reference
More at

NOTE: Street Talk was self-published Print-On-Demand in September 05, in December the publishing rights were bought by Barricade Books Inc. It will be re-released traditionally nationwide summer 06. For more information on STREET TALK and author visit While there test your hip-hop slang savviness.

The Reviewer

Carisa Weeaks
Reviewed 2006
© 2006