Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Lies and Lunacy of Ann Coulter

by Joe Maguire

      If you follow any political debates, you have probably seen or read journalist Ann Coulter twisting her brand of conservatism. Perhaps you may know her name more from the backlash against her actions and statements. Coulter refers to the 9/11 widows "reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by grief-arazzis. I’ve never seen people enjoying their husbands’ deaths so much." Another view sends women’s rights advocates screaming. Coulter states that women should not be allowed to vote, as they are better suited for other things, like shopping. Yet, she continues to vote. How do we know about the private voting of Coulter? A Florida county is investigating Coulter for voter fraud, as she may have knowingly voted in the wrong precinct.

While Coulter contradicts herself on some issues, she consistently blames liberals for everything gone wrong. Author and journalist Joe Maguire examines Coulter’s attacks in Brainless: the Lies and Lunacy of Ann Coulter. With research citations, Maguire proves that many of Coulter’s statements are plagiarized, cruel, unfounded, and dangerous. Part of what makes her dangerous is that her bias plays into the highly emotional and divided political world. The other part is that Coulter’s writing finesse allows her to dabble in truth and present a thin proposal that breeds hate and bias.

Maguire shows Coulter’s mistakes and misstatements within satirically named chapters like "Why Ann Coulter Must Be Stopped," and "Ann and Research," subheaded, "When the Cat’s Away, the Mice will Plagiarize." Controversial topics and language may make this book off-limits for those easily insulted. Maguire combs a trough of statements and interviews to show that Coulter remains in the spotlight solely for the attention. I read the book for another viewpoint on Coulter’s highly charged commentaries. Maguire unearths the shaky ground of Coulter’s politics in Brainless. Under his satirical prose, Maguire shows the solid sources that Coulter liberally skips in her own work.

The Book

William Morrow
October 2006
Non-fiction Politics
More at
NOTE: explicit content - language, sex

The Reviewer

Jennifer Akers
Reviewed 2007
© 2006