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Love, Magic & Mudpies
Raising Your Kids to Feel Loved, Be Kind, and Make a Difference

by Bernie Siegel M.D.

      Love, Magic, & Mudpies was a fun read, despite its serious message: Love your kids, love them no matter what. Each section has many entries, and all of them end with "How to Make the Magic." These are mainly tips or activities that you can do with your children, either individually or as a group. This book contains many thoughts and tips on family, children and spousal relationships, but the single parent is not forgotten. Siegel’s personal experience with his own family, and his children’s experiences with theirs, are sprinkled throughout the book. The anecdotes make this book a very personal one by providing a good view into the author’s family. Even though it may not be perfect, you’ve got to work with what you’ve got.

I don’t want to sound cliché, but this is one book that should be read when a family is started. It is easy to read because of Siegel’s charming and endearing wit. The tone is not preachy, nor does it put the reader down. I found this book to be a great guide for what to do. Parenting isn’t easy, but this book can give you hope.

The Book

Rodale Books
November 28, 2006
Non-Fiction - Miscellaneous
More at

The Reviewer

Dawn Talley
Reviewed 2007
© 2006