Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The United States of Arugula
How We Became a Gourmet Nation

by David Kamp

      In a well-researched and well written book, The United States of Arugula: How We Became a Gourmet Nation, David Kamp has brought us up-to-date on the history of food in the United States. He makes a dividing line between those people who rely on fast food and those who treat eating as almost an art form.

This book should not and can not be read in the same manner as a novel. One has to pick a section or a subject and dwell on it as one would on a fine meal; but Kamp gives us plenty of food for thought.

The history seems to start with the big three - James Beard, Julia Child and Craig Claiborne - and takes us up to Emeril Lagasse and Rachel Ray. Even though Kamp does not seem to approve of the Food Network, he agrees it does provide an outlet for people to talk about the thing they love, food.

The book is so arranged that one can easily pick a particular topic and read that portion. The book does not necessarily need to be read from front to back. Whatever way you read the book, you will find amusing and entertaining information about gourmet food and its preparation.

The Book

September 12, 2006
More at

The Reviewer

Willie Elliott
Reviewed 2007
© 2006