Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Watch This, Listen Up, Click Here
Inside the 300 Billion Dollar Business Behind the Media You Constantly Consume

by David Verklin and Bernice Kanner

      Watch This, Listen Up, Click Here is the book that explains in detail why you watch one commercial while ignoring another one, remember one catchy theme song as you forget others, and click some pop-ups on the Internet after deleting others. The book gives you the ins and outs of what works when it comes to selling a product.

Watch This, Listen Up, Click Here gave me an education in areas I was not familiar with. One especially got my attention - TV ad placement in regards to length of time, time of day and night, and the type of show: sports, comedy, daytime soaps, children’s programming, and reality TV. Another promotion tip is the expansion of Internet marketing possibilities. From web site ad development to current blog sphere and cell phone digital capabilities, new ways to sell consumers on products are growing. Marketers spend considerable money and time researching where and how to garner the "big bucks" for clients. Big bucks meaning ROI (Return on Investment).

Is it worth reading? If you are an entrepreneur like me, I would say yes. No matter how much you think you already know about promotion and marketing, Watch This, Listen Up, Click Here will provide you with insights on the direction of marketing tricks of the future. No longer relying on TV, magazines, radio, and newspapers, the new upcoming advertising age will soon be an explosion of controlling consumers on what and how they see and hear what they buy. New technology in the hands of marketers will measure consumer appetite in new ways. The title alone, Watch This, Listen Up, Click Here says it all.

The Book

John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
April 2007
Nonfiction: Reference
More at

The Reviewer

Sylvia McClain
Reviewed 2007
NOTE: Reviewer Sylvia McClain is the author of The Write Life: A Beginning Writer's Guide to Writing, Money Management, Publishing and Marketing, Skipping Through Life: The Reason I Am and editor of the Scribal News Calendar, a newsletter of writer events and happenings.
© 2006