By Larry Kahn
Redfield Publishers - Jan. 2000
ISBN:  0967307740 Hardcover
Mystery / Thriller

Reviewed by: Pam Stone, MyShelf.Com
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When Ben Kavner unwittingly stumbles upon a clue suggesting a 160-year conspiracy against the presidency, he must come to grips with a conflict between his wanting to win "the game" by becoming a partner in his law firm and his dream to make the world a better place.  While Ben is chasing conspiracy theories, the author weaves in two other frightening story lines. Christy Kirk, a young reporter, investigates the militarization of white supremacy groups and the African American resistance. LaRosa Smith, a beautiful African American woman, is the top advisor to the vice-president, who is running for president in the 2000 election. All three stories blend together as the plot reaches a stunning climax. 

Ben Kavner is the most likable but unlikely hero ever. He is a combination of intellectual, dreamer, lovesick-pup, and an oddball all rolled into one. You just can't help but love the guy. The other characters were somewhat realistic--likable. Sometimes I felt that the situations were a little far-fetched but the plot was exciting. 

The author Larry Kahn is an attorney for Bell South Corp. and this is his first novel.

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