By Eve K. Sandstrom
Signet - March 2000
ISBN: 0451199766 - Paperback

Reviewed by: Brenda Weeaks, MyShelf.Com
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Reporter Nell Mathews and her boyfriend Mike Svenson are back in their third mystery, and an outstanding one it is. 

Nell Matthew and Mike Svenson are helping out at a Women’s Shelter. While there, a man arrives and forces past Nell to see Patsy who runs the Shelter. In an attempt to stab Patsy, Mike is forced to shoot the intruder. This leads to problems for Mike since the person he just shot isn’t your ordinary wife abuser and his wife isn’t your ordinary abused spouse. Mike is traumatized from the shooting, so Nell takes to sleuthing on her own. This leads her to suspect the shelter director of some shady, extra-curricular business and Mike’s mother might be of covering it up. 

I know spousal abuse has been used many times in mysteries, but Ms. Sandstrom takes it a step further with some informative information and I found this fascinating.  Readers can expect a storyline with a reporter’s insight, some interesting facts about women’s shelters, and a mystery that will take them in many directions to one superb conclusion.

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