Writers Club Press - Oct. 2000
ISBN:  0595137407 - Trade Paperback
Suspense / Thriller

Reviewed by Pam Stone,
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COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL is Tom McCrory’s debut novel and the first in a planned series of corporate thrillers.

Glenn Stevens is V.P. of Campbell Industries although he acts like a dictator.  Stevens treats the employees by intimidation and terrorizing them.  If you happen to be a woman, he treats you as his personal sex toy to use whenever and wherever he wants. To refuse him could mean your life.

Scott Murphy moves from Memphis to Los Angeles to work for Campbell Industries and n wonders what he has gotten himself into. People are dying at Campbell and someone is trying to frame Scott. Can he clear his name before it is to late?

COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL starts out with a horrifying sexual assault and barbaric murder that is described in compelling detail. Glenn Stevens is as depraved as the devil himself.   He lacks any moral values and defiantly doesn’t have a conscience of any kind which in my book makes him the worst kind of predator.

McCrory writes a breakneck and frenzied ride through the world of big business.

I was hooked hard right with so many ups and downs I felt dizzy with excitement all the way from the beginning to the breathless ending.  Move over Grisham, Tom McCrory is here to take over where you left off.

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