Epitaph by James Siegel
Mysterious Press/Time Warner - 2001
ISBN: 0892967129 - Hardcover
Suspense Thriller, Private Investigator

Reviewed by Jo Rogers, MyShelf.com
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EPITAPH is James Siegel's first novel, and what an auspicious debut it is! I am delighted to know he is working on the second novel. I will be closely watching this new writer!

The story begins as William Ruskin, who has always been William, never Bill, Billy or Will, is on his way to Miami, Florida. He is seventy-five and a retired private-investigator-turned-security-guard, and he fully intended to stay retired. But that was before he read his former partner's name in the obituary column.

He went to Jean Goldblum's funeral and found he had never really retired. He was working on the biggest case of his life when he died, or so his landlord said. William and Jean had made a pact that, if something happened to one, the other would complete his cases. But that wasn't the only reason William took on this case. What on earth could an eighty-year-old detective be into that would be the biggest case of his life?

This story also gives a sensitive insight into the life of the senior citizen. Told from William's point of view, this beautifully written story unfolds slowly, with each clue coming to light only as William finds it. He doesn't fit the last piece of the puzzle in until the very last page. Don't start this book unless you can finish it in one sitting. If you do, someone will have to take it away from you, because you won't be able to put it down on your own!

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