Ode to a Banker by Lindsey Davis
Marcus Didius Falco Mystery, No. 12
Warner Books - 2001
ISBN: 0-89296-740 - Hardcover
Historical Mystery / Imperial Rome, 74 A.D.

Reviewed by Brenda Weeaks, MyShelf.com
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Can you believe it? Number twelve and still as strong and substantial as the last eleven! There is enough mystery and mayhem in these three hundred and seventy two pages to keep a loyal reader enthralled for days. I have to hand it to Lindsey Davis; she makes sure we get our money's worth.

In this one, Falco's family learns there is an artistic outlet for all that witty banter. Marcus is giving a public reading of his work, his poetry. It's invitation only, and it doesn't sit well with Falco when a boisterous interloper arrives. He mentions in passing that he would like to do away with the fool. Later he discovers the man, Chrysippus, is a banker and publisher of sorts, who wants to publish his work. Falco is impressed with himself once again. That is until he learns he is the one footing the bill. Falco has nose for cons and Chrysippus has a nose for scrolls - so to speak - but after a loud disagreement between the two, Chrysippus is found dead and Falco is the prime suspect.

While Falco works to clear himself and find the murderer, his family and friends lives play out around him. As usual, they have a generous part in the book. In the end, Falco revels all in an ancient Sherlockian fashion proving to us once again he is the ultimate roman sleuth. Readers can expect to relive some of Falco's past mysteries throughout this entertaining read.

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