SIDE EFFECT by Sandra Feder
Thornwood Publishing Co. LLC - December 2000
ISBN: 1930541058 - Hardcover
 Suspense / Thriller

Reviewed by Sue Johnson,
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Grant Fraser was a man driven. His lovely fiancée had died in a plane crash a year previously. Since that time he had devoted his life to developing a drug to treat a multitude of infections. His work as a scientist at Altimate Pharmaceuticals is in jeopardy. The first half of the drug has been turned down during testing and broad hints are being dropped that the second half will fare no better. Why would someone sabotage his efforts?

Is it the Directory of Research, Whitney Payne? Whitney has a violent bent and takes malicious glee in canceling the first drug. Could it be Danielle Horcroft, daughter of the company owner and sister to Grant's dead fiancée? Danielle feels that Grant is a threat to her bid to become the leader of Altimate. Or could the saboteur possibly be Joss Avery, the lovely director of communications? Joss had always been a close friend of Grant's but things seem strained between the two of them now. Could it be someone completely unknown to Grant? Could Grant be seeing conspiracies where there was none?

I was prepared to not enjoy this book. Medical mysteries are simply not my thing. However after a few short paragraphs I was pleasantly surprised to find the book not only interesting but also good. The twists and turns throw suspicions on first one person and then another. The last few scenes made me think that Dean Koontz had stepped into to finish the book, as a wonderful dog named Bailey saves our hero more than once.

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