Check Up and Other Stories by Wendi Lee
Five Star Books - 2001
ISBN: 0786235527 - Hardcover
Mystery/ Short Stories

Reviewed by Robyn Glazer, MyShelf.Com
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Check up and Other Stories is a collection of short stories featuring all different characters. When I read Wendi Lee, I am used to seeing only her series detective, Angela Mattelli. In this anthology, Lee introduces new and old characters that give readers a wider range to her work. Lee used to write a series featuring Jefferson Birch, which took place in the 1800's. She put him on the shelf when she began to seriously write about Matelli. Now readers can see why Jefferson Birch was so popular. Because of this anthology, I now plan to seek out her previous books about him. In "Red Feather's Daughter" Birch must find the daughter of an Indian chief. While he is completing his mission, he must face some moral dilemma's, which give the reader and interesting look inside of his soul. Birch also appears in "Winston's Wife" which is my favorite story of the three Birch stories in this book. Birch agrees to find a woman's husband but later regrets this choice when he is faced with the fact that she is not a strong person and his discoveries could destroy her.

Wendi Lee did not forget about Angela Matelli in this book. There are four Matelli stories in this volume and each one is drastically different from the last. While some of the stories take on the rougher side of the genre such as "The other Woman" most of the stories are a lighter fare. In "Salad Days" Angela dons a ridiculos green uniform to find out who is stealing from the till at the restaurant her sister was fired from. Then in
"The Disappearance of Edna Guberman" Angela must find a mother who has disappeared, all the while wishing she would disappear so she wouldn't have to go home and spend the day bickering with her own family.

In the remaining stories, there are several new main characters introduced. My favorite of them is Maggie O'Malley. She is an Irish DI and I wish that Lee would think about starting a series that features her. She is incredibly smart and on top of everything. She is a strong female character who would add greatly to the mystery field.

Every story in this anthology is a winner and deserving of recognition. I hope that this book gives Wendi Lee the audience that she deserves. The variety in this book is enough to give any reader something to enjoy. This is an enjoyable and fun book to read. I have no doubt that any mystery lover will fall in love with this wonderful writer.

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