By Claudia McCants
Writer's Showcase - 2001
ISBN: 0595178421 - Paperback
Mystery / Suspense
explicit material

Reviewed by: Nancy Mehl for MyShelf.Com
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Peejay Novack's young life was deeply impacted by her mother's death from cancer and her father's strange disappearance when she was only thirteen years old. A reporter on his way to interview a presidential campaign aide who had a story to tell that could change the results of the upcoming election, Logan Novak seemingly dropped off the face of the earth. Now, years later, Peejay's beloved grandfather is dead, and she feels truly alone. Her life changes when she meets a famous author who wants to write a book about her grandfather's life. Elizabeth Briteful is different from anyone Peejay has ever known. Her sense of freedom and lack of inhibitions intrigue the lonely young girl. As Peejay explores the possibilities her new life presents and an awakening of her own sexuality, her troubling dreams lead her on a search for the truth about her father. Old and new relationships change and she begins to question the things and people she once had faith in. When a good friend is found dead, she suspects that someone around her knows more than they're telling.

DREAM TAPESTRY is an engrossing novel. It's well written, and the characters are sharply defined. The plot will keep you involved and guessing every step of the way. One warning: there is explicit material that may not be everyone's cup of tea.

Ms. McCants is a novelist who will definitely be heard from again. I'm looking forward to it.

Nancy Mehl is the author of Graven Images.

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