Every First Saturday
By Bobby Jaye Allen
Accolate Books - 2001
ISBN: 0971208204 - Trade Paperback
Mystery / Contemporary / Police

Reviewed by: Barbara Buhrer, MyShelf.Com
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The tornado warning siren is tested every first Saturday of the month except when a bride pays the city a few dollars; then the siren is turned on when the bride and groom appear outside the church at the end of the ceremony.

Cy Sweetly, Delta's candidate for home coming queen at Lombardy Teachers College, is found strangled, submerged in the bath tub. No one on campus seems to mourn her death. She was not what she seemed to be.

Brady Kincaid, Chief of Security at the college, investigates the murder but has difficulty eliminating suspects, because alibis were not consistent with the timing of the siren. There were many possible murderers and it was with the assistance of Claudia Parker, dean of women, and her cousin, Joyce Fellmeyer who was there for the homecoming affair, that he is able to eliminate many of the suspects.

The plot is well-developed; the characters compatible with each other. The atmosphere at the college with its academic and student politics is realistic. There are enough suspects and red herrings to keep the reader guessing.

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