By Gloria Davidson Marlow
AmErica House - 2001
ISBN: 1588517152 - Paperback

Reviewed by: Nancy Mehl for
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Megan Hardy and Will Kincaid grew up together. Born only three hours apart, as small children they are inseparable. In fact, people in their small town refer to them as "the twins." After Megan's parents are killed in a car accident, she goes to live with her sister Tessa, leaving her hometown - and Will--behind. When the "twins" turn fifteen, Megan and her sister's family move back to town.

When Will sees Megan again, his attitude toward her begins to change. He no long wants to be her "twin." He wants something more. The same day he lets her know his true feelings for her, the unthinkable happens. Megan returns home to discover that Tessa and her two children have been brutally murdered. As Megan retreats into a world of depression and grief, Will finds that he can't stand by and watch her self-destruct. He leaves town, abandoning Megan and, he thinks, his love for her.

Now, years later, he receives a letter in the mail. His mother is ill, and Megan asks him to come home. He drops everything and heads back to be with his ailing mother - and to face Megan again. What will he feel when he sees her and what will this trip back into the past do to him - and to her?

Answers begin to come quickly and painfully. Will must face the truth about himself, that his departure was cowardly and wrong. And, he must deal with the fact that his love for Megan is still strong. But he and Megan must also face something else, something evil. His return coincides with a series of murders. After each killing, Megan receives flowers. Who is sending the flowers? What do the murders have to do with her - and with him? What has awakened the horror that destroyed Megan's family so many years ago? The questions and suspicions threaten to tear the town apart - and destroy Will's chance to find the love that he and Megan lost so long ago.

FLOWERS FOR MEGAN is an engrossing mystery - hard to put down. Gloria Marlow's style is reminiscent of Mary Higgins Clark. The twists and turns will keep you off balance. The characters are well drawn and compelling. This is a thoroughly enjoyable mystery by a new and talented author. More please, Ms. Marlow!


Nancy Mehl is the author of Graven Images.

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