JEZEBEL by Gordon A. Kessler
Evergreen Books Ink - June 2001
ISBN: 0738841226 - Hardcover
Mystery - Explicit content

Reviewed by Nancy Mehl for
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What makes docile pets become vicious - turning on their owners with savage fury? Animal Control Director, Tony Parker, has to find out - and quickly. People in Wichita, Kansas are being torn to bits with alarming regularity.

During what is believed to be the first attack - on a nice elderly gentleman who lived, and then obviously died, for his two dogs - a hellish hound is unleashed on the good citizens of Wichita. One of the victim's pets, a huge black Great Dane named Jezebel, is on the loose. Her size seems to be matched only by her fury.

Tony, a happily married man whose life has settled into a comfortable place, is being pursued by his partner, Sarah Hill. She is a hot-to-trot vixen who has her sights set squarely on him. He doesn't really want to cheat on his wife - but Sarah has no concerns about his marriage or his morals. Her only concern is for her own libido - and protecting their lives against a world of canines gone crazy. Her relentless quest for Tony is sparking reactions in him he didn't expect and doesn't know if he can control. He isn't sure if "comfortable" is what he wants anymore.

Lt. Jack Simpson, a member of the Wichita Police Department, joins his long-time friend in a frantic chase to find answers to questions they're not sure they understand - before anyone else dies. One other small problem: Tony's been bitten by a skunk. Could the animal be rabid? Is Tony chasing death on four legs - with his own demise following close behind?

Gordon Kessler has crafted a compelling and intense novel that grabs you by the throat and won't let go. His characters are well drawn and complex. You'll find yourself yelling out loud at them in either fear or frustration. The plot is full of twists and turns that never let you relax.

JEZEBEL is definitely a book you will remember. You may also find yourself looking a little nervously at your beloved pet. Is that a smile - or could it be a snarl…?



Nancy Mehl is the author of Graven Images and Sinner's Song.

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