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Publisher: Treble Heart Books
Release Date: 2003
ISBN: 1-931742-22-7
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre: Short story/mystery
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Susan Johnson
Reviewer Notes: You can find it at:

Danger Crossed Moments
By Vickie Britton and Loretta Jackson 

     The authors of this suspense filled, action packed book are sisters. The premise of this short story collection is time and judgment.

     What does a person do when faced with a life-threatening situation? Choices made during that time are crucial. Split second decisions must be made but will they be the correct ones?

     Each story in the book involves just such decisions but they also have an undercurrent of the supernatural, murder or mayhem.

     My favorite story in this collection was also the first. There is a young woman alone in a remote cabin when a bloodied stranger comes knocking at the door. Should she let him in and give him aid? Or should she leave the door locked in anticipation that he is trouble. What would you do? The name of the story was "Killer at the Door". But if you want to know if he was a killer, you will have to read the book to find out.

     The stories that follow are every bit as good. How you ever attended a high school reunion and wished for a little retribution for things past? Check out the story, "Scene of the Crime." And when a cruel old man uses drifters to get free labor, wouldn't you think that eventually it would backfire on him?

     All of the stories were well written and had a good sense of mystery and continuity. They stayed within the criteria self-imposed by the authors for a danger crossed moments. A very enjoyable read.

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