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Publisher: Xlibris
Release Date:
ISBN: 0738856355
Format Reviewed: softcover
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Genre: Mystery / Contemporary
Reviewer: Barbara Buhrer
Reviewer Notes:


Flying for an Angel
By Harrison T. Beardsley

     David Williams, a controversial financier, is found unconscious in the garage of Stratonics with a gun in his hand. Nearby is the body of Roy Lacey, executive of Stratonics, dead from a bullet between his eyes.

      Chief of Homicide Detectives, Lt. Oliver Thompson, seeing this seemingly open-and-shut case as a fitting finale to his career, takes over the investigation. He feeds information about the case to a young novice reporter and to the media to bolster his reputation.

      Two high society San Francisco women persuade top lawyer Charles Douglas to undertake William's defense. Douglas is hindered in the case by William's secretive personality, his sexual involvement with Douglas' married niece, and by Thompson's manipulations of the press.

     There is much detail of the workings of Silicon Valley, and of the influence of the press, police and finance. The characters are developed in depth. The plot is closely woven with the resolution of the case in doubt until the end.

     It is an engaging story with the added fillip of a few sexy love stories.

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