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Publisher: Bedside Books 
Release Date: 2003 
ISBN: 1589820246  
Format Reviewed: Paperback 
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Genre:  Mystery
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Jen Oliver 
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Low End
By Harry G. Pellegrin 

     Low End introduces readers to a small-time musician, Gary Morrissey, who wants to be a famous musician and gets caught up in a strange murder investigation when one of his friends is murdered. Gary goes through several different possibilities when he investigates his friend's murder, and constantly questions whether the government is involved. Gary reunites with some friends whom he has not spoken to in years to help attempt to resolve his friend's murder.

     Mr. Pellegrin does a great job of giving the readers several different possible plots and suspects, without giving away the ending ahead of time. This is something that is rare today. The reader feels for Gary and his loss of both his friend and his attempt of becoming a favorite musician. Mr. Pellegrin's descriptions of New York City and its suburbs give readers a true sense of the area. He does not focus on the main points of New York City, which adds to the uniqueness of New York City. Mr. Pellegrin also exhibits a strong first-hand knowledge of the music and the difficulty of being successful in today's music scene.