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Publisher: Warner Books, Inc.
Release Date: April 2003
ISBN: 0446531634
Format Reviewed: Hardcover
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Genre: Suspense
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Barbara Buhrer
Reviewer Notes:

Rules of Silence
By David Lindsey  

     Titus Cain is a self-made Texas software developer with a successful business, a happy marriage and a circle of good friends. This is all threatened when Latino Taro Luquin arrives in his life and extorts millions from him.

     Cain is to funnel money in such a way that no one will suspect anything. If Cain refuses or reveals this extortion, Luquin will kill off some of Cain's loved ones and friends. To prove his point, Luquin kills Cain's best friend and his chief assistant in a particularly horrible fashion.

      Cain refuses to submit and secretly hires Garcia Burden, an ex-CIA counter-terrorism expert. With the assistance of a crew and much technical help, Burden is able to locate Luquin and his vicious group. It is a race against time to save Cain's business, his fortune and his family.

     The methods of the terrorist, Luquin, to underline his demands are gruesome and graphic, not for any reader with a weak stomach. The suspense is constant, escalating as the team begins to gain in its fight against evil. The atmosphere of terror and frustration is very real. As timely as today's headlines, this story of extortion and terrorism is chilling in its implications.

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