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Publisher: Little Brown & Company
Release Date: March 2003
ISBN: 0316806501
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre: Fiction / Mystery / Romance
Reviewer: Vickie Adkins
Reviewer Notes: Explicit content

Sweet Hush
By Deborah Smith 

     From the time I picked up Sweet Hush, until I finished it the same day, I was mesmerized. The characters grab you from the beginning. You feel as if you are inside them, speaking their words. As soon as I finished Sweet Hush, I passed it on to someone else saying, "This is the best book I've read in a while." Deborah Smith knows how to capture the essence of a character. It wasn't a book I read with no feeling. Instead, I found myself putting emotion into the dialogue. I just couldn't help myself.

     Widow Hush McGillen Thackery and her apple orchard create a world full of honesty, intrigue, suspense, and romance. She appreciates her heritage, and wants it to continue with her son, Davis, who surprises her with his new wife. Edwina "Eddie" Jacobs is the only daughter of Al and Edwina Jacobs, President and wife of the United States.

     It doesn't take long for Hush's world to be turned on its heels, and her life changed from humdrum to complete and utter chaos. I highly recommend this fun-filled drama. Deborah Smith is a talented, down-to-earth novelist.

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