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Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Release Date: July 1, 2004
ISBN: 0736912940
Format Reviewed: Trade Paperback
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Genre: Suspense
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Barbara Buhrer
Reviewer Notes:  

The Buck Stops Here
The Million Dollar Mysteries Series, No. 5
By Mindy Starns Clark

   Callie Webber, investigator for JOSHUA, the philanthropic organization funded by Tom Bennett, overhears a conversation which leads her to believe Tom may have been involved in the boating accident in which her husband was killed a few years ago. When she confronts Tom for clarification he refuses to answer, telling her that he cannot discuss what happened because of an agreement with the National Security Agency.

    Not satisfied with this answer from the man she hopes to marry, she returns to the scene of the accident and questions the original witnesses. She learns that the answers and reports of what happened do not coincide with the official police reports. She embarks on her own investigation in New Orleans to find the truth of what happened. Before she can know the truth her future and her life with Tom is in jeopardy. It isn't until she uncovers the hidden secrets and learns the facts confirmed by no less than the President of the United States that the two are able to come to terms with the past.

   Regrettably, this is the fifth and final installment of this series. The stories have always been exciting and interesting. The plot here is intriguing and fast paced. The writing is well done and very smooth. The settings are realistically presented. The reader can visualize where the action takes place. The characters are complex, with their relationships interesting and finely drawn. There is throughout the story a thread of faith and hope which sustains the two through their ordeal.