Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: Padlock Mystery Press
Release Date: 2004
ISBN: 0974331619
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre:   Crime / Contemporary, Oklahoma
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Rachel A Hyde
Reviewer Notes:  

Deadly Patterns
An Oklahoma Quilt Mystery  
By M E Cooper

      Detective Sergeant Christine Penney is used to the big city, but after divorcing her controlling lawyer husband she is now working in the rural town of Enid. The stabbing of unpopular quilter, Hilda Brandt, means she has to investigate Quiltin’ Corner, a shop running a quilting group to which Hilda had belonged – and been voted out of. The trouble is nobody liked the deceased, and Chris is going to find it difficult to solve the crime and prevent others happening without treading on toes. When her ex turns up it is the last straw, not to mention chauvinistic, fellow officer McDonald. She owes it to herself, and all women, to crack the case as quickly as possible!

     There is much to enjoy in this crime cozy, and I certainly didn’t guess the tortuous puzzle. Chris goes from being a hardboiled and bitter divorcee, to learning about some of life’s simpler and more traditional pleasures, such as quilting and family life, without losing any of her skills as a police officer. There isn’t a love interest in here, but I always enjoy a book that has a good, strong central plot and doesn’t dissipate this by trying to do too much else. This book seems just the right length, and is a real feelgood tale with old-fashioned charm, yet a modern message. If you like a good detective story then this ought to appeal.