Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: Berkley Publishing Group
Release Date: October 7, 2003
ISBN: 042519311X
Format Reviewed: Hardback
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Genre:   Mystery / Medical Suspense / Thriller
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Robin Thomas
Reviewer Notes:  

Doctored Evidence
Karen Hayes Series
By Michael Biehl

    Doctored Evidence by Michael Biehl begins with the three words that no one, not doctors, nurses or patients want to hear in an operating room: “Oh, my God.” Biehl builds the suspense early in the book with the surprise death of Larry Conkel, the chief financial officer of the hospital where the routine surgical procedure is being performed. The suspense heightens when Karen Hayes, the hospital’s attorney receives word of Larry Conkel’s death and utters to herself, “this was my fault.” But Biehl is not finished yet. Karen receives a voicemail from a member of the surgical nursing team who was in the operating room when Conkel died and she has a message “from the dead.” The book continues with Karen’s efforts to unravel the mystery that Larry left behind, which draw her into medical fraud and corruption that surrounds the very doctors and administrators that she works with everyday. Additionally, the quest for answers also reveals family secrets that have been hidden for years. Karen survives the tension with the help of her husband, Jake, who is a blues musician she met in college.

    Michael Biehl leverages his experience as a managing partner of one of the nation’s largest health law practices to write a very suspenseful and very credible novel about the medical community. Biehl keeps the medical and legal jargon to a minimum, which permits the book to flow easily. The many twists and turns in plot maintain and add to the suspense that is built up at the beginning of book. Michael Biehl has written a fast-paced, suspenseful book that will keep you on the “edge of your seat.” I highly recommend this book.