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Publisher: Bethany House
Release Date: 2004
ISBN: 0-7642-2733-5
Format Reviewed: Hardcover
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Genre: Inspirational suspense novel 
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Nancy Arant Williams
Reviewer Notes:  

Double Vision
By Randall Ingermanson

     Keryn Wills writes suspense novels, but certainly has no intention of living one. Or so she thinks when she gets hired as the money manager for CypherQuanta. She's falling in love with co-worker and nerdy engineer, Dillon Richard, a genius at writing computer programs.

     The company is at a crossroads when the boss brings in another player, flashy Rachel Meyers, a biophysicist with a breakthrough invention--a quantum computer that will change the world when it hits the market. And eyes for Dillion Richard.

      With billions at stake, Keryn and Dillon find themselves in the middle of danger and suspense, exactly the kind Keryn writes, but it somehow loses something in translation.

    This reviewer began with reservations, even after a killer lead-in--"Keryn Wills was in the shower when she figured out how to kill Josh Trenton."

      The tekkie talk was daunting at first, but the story more than made up for that, with true-to-life characters and a plot to equal Ted Dekker or John Grisham. I'm happy to report that Randall Ingermanson pulled it off beautifully, but I still have one question--What on earth is a 'wet bench'?