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Publisher: Bybee Books
Release Date: January 2004
ISBN: 0974439878
Format Reviewed: Hardcover
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Genre:   Religious Suspense
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Sheila Griffin
Reviewer Notes:  

The Final Witness
By Cary Bybee

      Three and a half years have passes since the Rapture. Death and chaos are normal occurrences. A two-mile wide asteroid blasted into the heart of Kansas yesterday. Most of the United States has been destroyed. Demons possess and antagonize the bodies of mortals. Evil angels claim the souls of many who have rejected God.

      Scientists determine that debris from the asteroid strike is causing an extended winter. Humankind may not survive. Indeed, sub-zero temperatures kill most of the plants and animals. Then unexpectedly, the planets begin to align. The earth's rotation shifts dramatically, causing a massive heat wave. When the alignment is complete, Jupiter will impose itself between the earth and the sun. No sunlight will reach the earth. Temperatures will plummet. There will be a month of darkness.

      The historic concentration camps of World War II are reopened. They are to be filled by all who do not bow to the Antichrist, Carlo Ventini.

     Tommy Glover and Sara Allen infiltrate the concentration camps. They begin witnessing to the prisoners and help many to escape.

      Calvin Fraser, Cory Parker, and Leasa Moore lead 150 believers to survival in an abandoned mine in the Nevada wilderness. Their singular goal is to witness to everyone who has not yet taken the Mark of the Beast. The world must be warned that to take the Mark will damn them for all eternity.

     Peter Bastoni and Ruth Jefferson go to Jerusalem. They stay with a man whose actions indicate that he is a fine Christian. Unfortunately, he has already taken the irrevocable Mark of the Beast and is forever separated from God.

    This book has many extremes of events and emotions. Imprisonment is suffered. Marriages are consummated. It is jam-packed with action from the first page to the last. The Final Witness is a satisfying, if some times overwhelming, conclusion to this trilogy.