Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: Penguin Books
Release Date: 2004
ISBN: 0452285445
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre:   Suspense
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Barbara Buhrer
Reviewer Notes:  

The Latest Bombshell  
By Michele Mitchell

     Romancing in Rome with her latest lover, the Chinese/Italian son of the Chinese ambassador to the United States, Kate Booth is enjoying a rest from her job as a political consultant in Washington, D.C.. She is shocked when her partner, Jack Vanzelli calls her to inform her that her ex-boy friend, Lyle Gold, a muckraking reporter, has been accused of spying and selling military secrets to the Chinese.

     Kate and Jake take on the job of defending Gold. Kate does not believe he is guilty of selling secrets. The media is convinced of his guilt and with the patriotic fervor following 9/11 the public is demanding Gold's arrest. Kate's role is questioned by the media because of her previous relationship with Gold and her present involvement with the son of the Chinese ambassador. Her search to find who is leaking the secrets is complicated by powerful forces in Congress, the media and the military.

     Drawing on her experiences as political anchor and political correspondent for CNN Headline News, Mitchell has written a fast paced political thriller with a heroine who is clever and unafraid to fight for the truth. There are insights about the nasty plotting which occurs in the nation's capital with politicians and media correspondents.

     This is the story of personal liberty versus national security, distorted by the flag waving brought on by the tragedy of 9/11.

      It is an entertaining light and very witty read.