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Publisher: Berkley Publishing Co.
Release Date: Apr. 2004
ISBN: 0425195309
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre: Mystery
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Janet Elaine Smith
Reviewer Notes:  Janet Elaine Smith is the author of 12 published novels, including the latest, Dakota Printer, and she is well-known for her magazine contributions which have spanned 25 years.

Putt to Death
A Golf-Lover's Mystery Series, No. 3  
By Roberta Isleib

     This is my first book by this author, and I have to admit that I am not a golfer. However, it soon had me in its grips. Cassie Burdette has been hired by an upscale New England golf course, and she gets her “initiation” on her first night there when she has to attend a board meeting. Pandemonium sets in almost immediately when a man presented a plan to make the grounds a safe haven for wildlife, which sets him at odds with one of the board members. This is followed by a presentation from a woman who is upset with the exclusion of women from certain activities at “the club.”

    The following morning, at a women’s golfing event led by Cassie, she discovers the nearly dead body of the man with the plan to preserve nature. Before he can get to the hospital, he is dead.

     There is a plethora of characters, in fact so many that sometimes it is hard to keep them all straight, yet the author does a fine job of weaving the tale and casting guilt in a myriad of directions.

    Towards the end of the book, Elizabeth—the woman presenter from the board meeting—is also found dead. The reader is left guessing right up until the very end, and it has a definite twist that is hard to predict.

   This is not the first book in this series, but it was not hard to pick up on the characters and settings from previous books, which is a big plus in my book. I enjoyed the book. I would recommend it for mystery fans.