Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Evil Intentions
A Feng Shui Mystery

By Denise Osborne

     Denise Osborne writes of something that is cased in mystery, the mystery of the Far East and its traditions and how they are perceived in our country. There is the resident ladies group, some well off and those not so well off, who still have to work for a living even into their later years. There is the drug lord of far eastern descent and influence, and the immigration of slave labor, the laborers fostered into an upper and better mannered society such as Washington DC and the close environs. Enter the ominous immigration of thugs and of Chinese and Korean nationalities, who all owe their passage to one slave-lord and then have to pay off that passage, and you have what happens on down the line, the payback and the ultimate ending. The study of Feng Shui is an added plus and should be looked into by a more in-depth study. A light mystery that takes a not too-close look at the more glamorous society and all that being well off entails on certain levels. I am sure that this author wanted an easy read in this book, something that one could take to the beach or park, just sit back, and read for the pure enjoyment of reading.

     Evil Intentions is a good read for a beach or Sunday afternoon when you are rained or snowed in. It is a light and easy read and sort of a moment in time type book. There is nothing in this breeze of a book that will challenge a belief system or make one delve into the meanings of life as it is. This book was an enjoyable, fast, well-written, very articulate, easy read, slightly suspenseful mystery.

The Book

Perseverance Press, Daniel & Daniel
April 2005
SoftCover Paperback
Murder mystery, suspense
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The Reviewer

Claudia Turner VanLydegraf
Reviewed 2005
© 2005