Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Siren of Solace Glen

By Susan S. James

     Flip is the local cleaning lady and knows everyone in town. Solace Glen, Maryland, is full of gossip and rumors. Imagine the scandal that comes along when a beautiful blonde named Stewart Larkin moves into town. An unknown person has followed Stewart to Solace Glen and is stalking and threatening her. Stewart meets with Flip's fiancé, Tom, who is the local lawyer, but Flip is less than pleased with the new woman who seems to have attached herself to him.

     The story is a never-ending gossip chain as Flip and her friends talk to one person and another about Stewart and who her stalker might be. Why has Stewart fled to Solace Glen from Los Angeles only to lure the stalker there? All together, the town might be able to save Stewart if her rich father will stop interfering, and if they'll stop bickering amongst themselves for a minute!

     This book is full of colorful characters with a fast moving story line. Who is after Stuart? Can Flip and Tom and Solace Glen figure it out before someone ends up dead?

The Book

April 5th 2005
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The Reviewer

Michelle Shealy
Reviewed 2005
© 2005