Another Review at MyShelf.Com

To Collar a Killer
A Jack Field mystery

By Lee Charles Kelley

    Ex- New York policeman, Jack Field now has dog kennels in Maine. While playing with one of the dogs, the dog brings him a bloodstained boating cap. When Jack follows the blood trail he finds a dead man, clutching the dog's tennis ball.

    All evidence, motive and opportunity point to Jack as the murderer. Even Dr. Jamie Cutter, his fiancée and the assistant medical examiner, has doubts about his innocence. It looks as though someone is trying to frame Jack. He has to find out why and who. The investigation leads him to a billionaire inventor and a San Diego drug lord. Jack must find the truth before his own death is inevitable.

    This is a suspenseful story full of twists and turns. It is especially appealing to dog lovers with much helpful advice on the care and training of dogs. The episodes featuring the dogs are humorous and at sometimes sad...enough for any dog fancier. The romance between Jack and Jamie is an ongoing affair that has continued to develop. The action is fast moving and stimulating. A quick read.

The Book

Avon/Harper Collins
Dec 1, 2004
Canine mystery
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The Reviewer

Barbara Buhrer
Reviewed 2005
© 2005