Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Trouble in Paradise

By Pip Granger

    The end of the Blitz and World War II should have brought peace and tranquility to the residents of Paradise Gardens, Hackney, London, but it is not good news for Zelda Fluck. It means that her violent and abusive husband, Charlie, will be coming home. The residents of Paradise Gardens, Hackney, are caught up in a chain of events which cause strife and destruction.

   In addition to her belligerent husband, Zelda has problems with her boss who is making her life difficult, and she has worries about her nephew, Tony, who is becoming involved with Brian Hole, the only child of Ma Hole, leader of the local spivs. Tony has a beautiful voice. The mysterious local healer, Zinnia Makepeace, introduces him to a vocal coach in Soho, hoping rescuing him from a life of crime with Brian. Through this change Zelda meets Bert and Maggie Featherby who give her an opportunity to escape Hackney and her failed marriage. To complicate matters, the local hood, Maltese Joe, decides to confront Ma Hole and this ends in a rain of gunfire with Cassie giving birth to Rosie, the future narrator of Not All Tarts are Apples.

    Once again, Granger has successfully evoked the spirit of the people and times. There is a vivid picture of the lives of the people in Soho and their problems and their attempts to solve them. The dialogue is written in a way that sounds real. The plot is well written and the action moves smoothly and quickly. The characters are well developed, giving the reader a feeling of relating to them and their experiences. There are glimpses of humor and wit to counter the grim realities.

A truly heart-warming story of people overcoming adversity

The Book

Poisoned Pen Press
Jan 2005
Genre Mystery
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The Reviewer

Barbara Buhrer
Reviewed 2005
© 2005