Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Executioner's Game

by Gary Hardwick

      Secretary of Commerce Donald Howard is angry. Someone at the federal level has done something so awful, the president would see that certain agency heads would roll as soon as he found out what they had done. Howard has come to Africa to get in touch with the African side of his African-American roots. But what his own country has done to this continent is unforgivable. It makes him ashamed of his countrymen. Howard carries the evidence in a briefcase handcuffed to his wrist. He is going straight to the president when he gets home.

When he would get home was another story. The plane that was to fly him out of here suddenly became unavailable. Now, one of the three trucks that is to convoy him out to a plane has broken down. Howard is anxious to leave.

They finally get underway, with Howard and his bodyguard, Alex Deavers, riding in the same truck. Suddenly, the convoy comes to a halt. Deavers knows that they are in danger. He grabs the briefcase and yells for all in the truck to get out. He moves to the exit in time to be blown from the truck when the bomb goes off

Deavers had trained Luther Green, and was the first to recognize his talents. Now, Luther is the best assassin in the top-secret agency known as E-1. Though he is black and Deavers white, they had become good friends. Then, the boss calls him in and tells him Deavers is alive and has turned rogue. Luther is assigned to find and kill Alex Deavers.

Gary Hardwick is one of the best black authors in America today, one of the best of any race. His new book, The Executioner's Game, will keep you enthralled from beginning to end. If you like edge-of-your seat thrillers, don't miss this one!

The Book

Harper Torch
February 2006
More at
NOTE: African American interest. Also contains violence, foul language, sexual situations

The Reviewer

Jo Rogers
Reviewed 2006
© 2006