Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Final Intuition
A Karma Crime Mystery, #4

by Claire Daniels

      Cally Lazar and her quirky family are back! Well most of them are anyway. Aunt Daphne comes to town for Thanksgiving and is promptly murdered. Or is she?

Daphne Dupree has terminal cancer. She has been saving up her morphine pills with the intention of ending it all once the pain becomes too much to bear. After drinking a cocktail, Daphne suddenly keels over and dies. She appears to have been poisoned, but several of the gathered clan refuse to believe it. It must have been an accident, perhaps even suicide.

The next day Daphne's young ward, Pilar, passes out after having sipped her protein drink. Suddenly the idea of murder becomes easier to swallow. But still there are holdouts.

The hospital saves Pilar and confirms that both Pilar and Daphne suffered from morphine poisoning. Yet some refuse to face the fact that a murderer is in their midst.

The suspect list is comprised entirely of family and close friends, so the idea remains very unpalatable. Still, questions remain. Who exactly is Pilar? And how did she come to be Daphne's ward?

The first half of this book moves quite slowly, but as family secrets begin to reveal themselves the story becomes more interesting. This is the last in the Cally Lazar mystery series and a fitting end it is. We finally understand the darkness that has haunted Cally and her boyfriend, Roy, since they first met. Fans of this series will be sad to see the chronicles of such a fun family come to a close.

The Book

Berkley Prime Crime
February 7, 2006
More at
NOTE: Holiday: Thanksgiving

The Reviewer

Sheila Griffin
Reviewed 2006
© 2006