Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Proof Evident

by John Dicke

      Before 150 civic leaders, former black judge and Professor Avery Jackson shot newly elected sheriff Gene Hardacre in Dayton, Ohio as he was giving a televised speech. There is no doubt that Jackson is the man who pulled the trigger; it is all documented in the TV news cameras.

The question is "Why?"

Jackson's lawyer, Jack Maine, can find no defense to keep Jackson from the death penalty other than Jackson's mental state. Maine probes into Jackson's past, and then into his subconscious. This uncovers a history of mind-control experiments and projects by the CIA which affected Jackson. Maine finds political corruption with drug smugglers that triggered Jackson's subconscious. It is now Maine's task to convince the jury of Jackson's condition, and therefore his innocence.

This is a compelling novel that delves into the difficulty of pursuing the insanity plea. It is a condemnation of the abuse of power by the CIA and the military who created multiple personalities in unsuspecting individuals for their own nefarious purposes. It is a chilling realization that this should have and could have happened. The research of Maine and the courtroom drama is excellent.

A real psychological thriller.

The Book

Synergy Books
Feb 2006
More at

The Reviewer

Barbara Buhrer
Reviewed 2006
© 2006