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Blood and Circuses
Phryne Fisher series #6

by Kerry Greenwood

      Phryne has run off and joined the circus as a trick pony rider! Not just out of devilment (although she does admit to being shockingly bored) but to solve a crime. Three old friends from the carnival that the circus trails in its wake are keen for her to find out who killed circus freak Mr. Christopher in a respectable theatrical boarding house. Top suspect is fellow boarder Miss Parkes, convicted ten years earlier for the murder of her abusive husband. Phryne thinks it will be a bit of fun, but she is in for more than one surprise.

Book six and counting... what will I do when I have read them all? Circuses always make for fascinating reading, and Ms Greenwood has really got under the skin of what life in one must surely be like, warts and all.  Phryne really gets to appreciate her usual life too, as she finds out what it is like to be alone, friendless and poor at the bottom of the heap in a strange location. For once she isn’t in control of every situation and admired at every turn, but just one of many. A novel set in a circus would fill a fat book satisfyingly in even moderately skilled hands; but there is a lot more in here, including two rival gangs from the dark side of Melbourne, a sinister organization and a baptism of fire for a rookie cop. There is so much in these slim volumes that you almost need to put a rubber band around them to keep it all from bursting out. Very highly recommended.

The Book

Poisoned Pen Press
July 2007
Historical Crime - 1928, Melbourne, Australia
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The Reviewer

Rachel A Hyde
Reviewed 2007
© 2006