Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Dead Men Don’t Get the Munchies
A Cooking Class Mystery

by Miranda Bliss

      Dead Men Don’t Get the Munchies is a very fun to read book and it hit home with the cooking school aspect. My oldest daughter is currently in cooking school, and each time I opened the book, I wondered if she was having as much fun as the characters in the book... at least the characters who were not murdered!

This book was a fast read. A lot of excitement happening, in not a lot of written word, kept you on your toes and guessing who the murderer really was. I guessed early on, not sure how, but call it a hunch that I had.

The book book is set in a bar / cooking school, of all places. The main character Annie works as a bank teller by day and at night she helps manage a bar called Bellywashers. They decide to host a cooking school on Monday nights. But the unexpected happens when a murder takes place, and the victim is a participant in the cooking school who is well known to the hostess of the restaurant. Brad Peterson was not well liked by anyone and so, as you can guess, has a lot of enemies. So who killed him and why?!

Keep reading as the mystery unfolds right before your eyes! I would recommend this book to anyone who likes like fun, adventure, and a bit of the unexplained. Enjoy as I did!

The Book

Berkley / Prime Crime Mystery / Penguin
December 2007
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The Reviewer

Sandie Vega
Reviewed 2007
© 2007