Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The First Stone

by Judith Kelman

      Judith Kelman has a writing style that will have readers completely engrossed in the story. A good plot, compelling dialogue with strong, vivid and engaging characters makes The First Stone an enormously entertaining psychological thriller. Judith Kelman puts together a story that will keep you guessing to the very end.

Dr. Douglas Malik, a renowned cardiac surgeon, relocates from Cleveland to Manhattan to take over the cardiovascular service of New York General. Dr. Malik, his wife and daughter, move into the upstairs apartment directly above the Colten's.

Sam Colten is a resident in cardiovascular surgery at New York General. It is his dream to be accepted into an internship with Dr. Malik. Dr. Malik is in a position to make Sam or to break him.

Emma Colten, Sam's wife, is eight months pregnant with their second child. Emma confides confidentially in a friend of hers about the strange noises she hears late at night coming from the upstairs apartment - noises she believes could be abuse of Dr. Malik's daughter. Emma's friend reports this confidence to the proper authorities and a Social Worker soon visits the Malik's to investigate possible child abuse charges.

Suddenly Sam loses his position in the residency program at New York General. Having been falsely accused of sexual assault it's up to Sam and Emma to clear Sam's name and discover the real reason Dr. Malik wants him out of the program. Soon the skeletons in Dr. Malik's closet begin tumbling out.

The Book

May 1, 2007
978-0-425-21367-4 / 0-425-21367-6
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The Reviewer

Connie Harris
Reviewed 2007
© 2006