Another Review at MyShelf.Com

A Nail Through the Heart

by Timothy Hallinan

      Poke Rafferty ended up in Bangkok Thailand. Why? Not sure what would provoke anyone to go to a country like Thailand. While I am sure it is beautiful, it’s not a place you would want to spend any significant time in. This is a book that will make you ask, why does a culture treat its people in such a way? Why is it tolerated, and why do the police turn their heads unless they are paid to care? Poke is just trying to live his life with his girlfriend Rose and make a home for the little girl he wants to adopt. But even adoption is not simple in this country. This story will take you into areas of Bangkok that most of us will hopefully never see or experience. It will make you sick to your stomach, living the lives of the people represented in this book. It will make you say to yourself, how could this happen in this day and age. This book, while very graphic and hard to swallow at times, is very well-written and very much worth reading.

The Book

HarperCollins Books
June 2007
More at

The Reviewer

Sandie Vega
Reviewed 2007
© 2006