Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Suspect

by John Lescroart

      In his newest legal thriller, The Suspect, Author John Lescroart unbelievably tops his best work.

Nature author Stuart Gorman isn't having a great year. His marriage hasn't been good for a long while, but he always had hopes it would improve. Now his wife, prominent surgeon and surgical implant inventor, Caryn Dryden,  is demanding a divorce.

In anger, Stuart leaves for their cabin at the lake, with no idea he's spoken to his wife for the last time. Indeed, after discovering her body floating in the hot tub, Stuart finds himself the prime suspect in her murder.

With his wife’s huge net worth, and another fortune on the horizon from the hip implant she designed, Stuart had plenty of motives for wanting her dead..

Returning to practice after a four-year sabbatical from the law, attorney Gina Roake, (a familiar figure to Lescroart's fans), takes the case. Gina finds no end of suspects, including Stuart's volatile, mentally-ill daughter, and several players on the investment scene, who have much at stake if the implant is not approved.

The thing is, at the last moment, Caryn had discovered a problem with the implant, which, after the end of clinical trials, had begun to kill implant recipients.

As an avid fan of John Lescroart, this reviewer held little hope he could top his own best work, but he's done it again. In a heart-stopping, edge-of-your-seat thriller, he gives the limelight to formerly minor characters, but pulls off a winning plot that will keep you guessing until the very end.

A keeper for sure.

The Book

Dutton / Penguin Group
Jan 2007
Legal thriller
More at

The Reviewer

Nancy Williams
Reviewed 2007
NOTE: Reviewer Nancy Williams is the author of 20 books, including inspirational romances Coming Home to Mercy Street, In the Company of Angels, and In The Shadow of the Cherubim. Her latest releases are And the Heavens Wept and In a Glass Darkly
© 2006