Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Tunnels
Kelly Jones Novels

by Michelle Gagnon

A terrific debut novel, and a fantastic beach read – in the daylight! A reputable college in New England has a long abandoned antediluvian system of tunnels below its surface. The victims are female, their fathers influential. Experienced FBI agent. Kelly Jones. thought she was jaded enough to handle just about any case. This is her old alma matter and the horrors simply won't stop.

The ritualistic nature of the murders, and the unknown depths and lengths of the tunnel system are enough to curdle your blood. Michelle Gagnon has a powerful way with words and the bizarre circumstances of these serial killings. The Norse symbols accompanying each victim make the story an edge-of-your-seat read. The killer begins to taunt FBI agent Jones, and the nature of the tunnels, often used for fraternity assignations, take on a personality of their own.

Gagnon blends a little bit of romance with her story, without detracting from the powerfully macabre tale. It is a difficult book to put down, even though the spine tingling plot makes it a scary night read. A highly recommended first novel.


The Book

June 2007
Mass Market Paperback
Crime Thriller, Mystery
More at
NOTE: Debut Novel

The Reviewer

Laura Strathman Hulka
Reviewed 2007
© 2006