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Troubled Bones
A Crispin Quest novel
Riley Adams

Minotaur Books
October 2011 / ISBN 9780312621636
Medieval Mystery/ 1060 AD

Reviewed by Barbara Buhrer

Disgraced Knight Crispin Guest has been stripped of his honor, title and lands. He is making his living by investigating puzzling events. He has gained a reputation as the Tracker. He is summoned to Canterbury by the Archbishop of Canterbury to protect the crypt and bones of the martyr Thomas A. Becket, which have been threatened by a religious group. Accompanying him is his young protégé, Jack Tucker.

Arriving in Canterbury Crispin meets his old friend Geoffrey Chaucer, who is there with a group of pilgrims paying homage to the bones. Two murders of religious people occur with indications that his friend Chaucer is guilty. Chaucer is held for trial and it's Crispin's job to find the guilty party in order to free his friend. Be prepared for a surprising ending!

Troubled Bones is a well-written period tale with much detail about the time and place of the period, including fine detail of the dress of the time. The characters are well developed, including some interesting views of Chaucer's character.

Reviewer's Note:
Reviewed 2012
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