By Don Winslow
Knopf 1999
ISBN: 0676549705 - Hardcopy
Suspense / Thriller

Reviewed by: Pam Stone, MyShelf.Com

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I had never heard of Don Winslow before I was sent this book to review; now he is a favorite. 

Jack Wade an arson adjuster for California Fire and Life Mutual. Even though he understands fires, its the people that he doesn't understand. Wade is a very engaging character who really knows what he is doing. Jack must investigate a fire that he knows is arson, but others believe is accidental. His own company starts to pressure him to settle the case, but he can't and breaks his own cardinal rule, "You don't get emotional, and whatever you do, don't get involved." As Jack gets further and further involved, the situation becomes more dangerous. Soon arson is the least of Jacks worries, as the case grows to involve the Russian mob, Vietnamese gangs, and much more. 

This book is a wild ride through the world of fire and insurance. The characters are cool and real life. I especially liked the details of the fire investigations. 

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