THE HARLEQUIN TEA SET and other stories
By Agatha Christie
Berkley - 1998
ISBN: 0425165159 – Paperback

Reviewed by: Brenda Weeaks, MyShelf.Com
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Any Christie fan that needs a quick fix, but doesn’t have time to read a complete novel, will enjoy this anthology. The short stories in this anthology have been discovered more than twenty years after Dame Christie’s passing.  I enjoyed each one of them, but I did find a couple darker than usually, The House of Dreams being one. Manx Gold was too detailed for me; I just couldn’t stay with it.  Mystery of the Spanish Chest has Poirot examining the motives of a killer. The Edge, another slightly dark one, has a woman deciding whether to follow her heart or her conscience. In the last story, The Harlequin Tea Set, a gentleman runs in to Mr. Harley Quin, who helps him save a family from harm. 

I carried this one around for a long time. It kept me company when I found myself stuck somewhere with nothing to do.  In essence, I feel I discovered something new in Ms. Christie’s work and was thrilled to have the opportunity. I recommend to her fans.

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