By Judith McNaught
Pocket Books - July 1999
ISBN: 0671000853 - Paperback

Reviewed by: Pam Stone, MyShelf.Com
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In this gripping tale of murder and betrayal, a policewoman, Sloan Reynolds, has never met her father and sister, Paris, until she hears that her father and his associates are suspected of fraud, conspiracy, and murder. Sloan agrees to enter into her father's life while hiding the fact that she is a cop to try and get the goods on her father. Sloan must maneuver through a maze of deceit and passion to try and find someone who she can trust. 

Night Whispers has too many characters, and a lot of the storyline is left open. The biggest disappointment was to pull us into a relationship between Sara and Jess and leave it undeveloped. Noah's history needed more exploration than it got. 

Judith McNaught has had eight New York Times Bestsellers and more than Twenty million books in print. 

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