By Agatha Christie
Bantam Audio -  Feb. 1993 
ISBN 0-55347132-5 - Audio Tapes - 130 minutes

Reviewed by: Brenda Weeaks, MyShelf.Com
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Sad Cypress
Come Away, come away, death, 
And in sad cypress let me be laid; 
Fly away, fly away, breath; 
I am slain by a fair cruel maid. 

The words above are sung on the tape, giving it an eerie old fashion feel. It also had an actor for each part, along with sound effects. 

It begins with Elinor and Roddy receiving an anonymous letter telling them another person has moved in on their aunt's affections and they could lose their inheritance if they don't come visit soon. First auntie comes up dead while they are visiting. And later another person is murdered when Elinor comes to visit a second time. Elinor is charged with murder. And Hercule Poirt is hired to find out the truth. With a little investigating and even some courtroom drama, Hercule solves the case of whodunit. I have always enjoyed how Poirt explains the solved mystery at the end. It has helped me as a reader to pay more attention when reading a mystery. 

The BBC is known for their ability to produce a good audio mystery. I would recommend any you should come across as entertaining. They can break the monotony of those long walks or drives.

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