By Katherine Garbera

The Baby Bank / Desire, No.1289
Silhouette  – April 2000 
ISBN: 0373762895 – Paperback
Romance / Series

Reviewed by: Brenda Weeaks, MyShelf.Com
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In this day and age, anyone who wants a baby the scientific way can have one, once they pass the requirements.  Sabrina MacFadden has just that desire. When Reese Howard, a freelance writer, shows up to do a story on her case he has a desire of another kind in mind for the long legged lovely Sabrina. Reese needs a story and Sabrina needs the finances the magazine is willing to pay for her artificial insemination. They collaborate to help each other out. From the moment of their first meeting at the Bayside Café, emotions emanate. Excitement is just below the surface for these two, and it doesn’t take long for it to happen. I have to admit the physical relationship is sudden, but as I read along and learned more of Sabrina’s emotional neediness, I understood it. Later, Sabrina has a surprise for Reese, but he doesn’t know if he’s ready for it. Reese is a former investigative reporter and has his own past to deal with. This gained my sympathy as to his actions and reactions. It made him more realistic. When they come to an agreement about their future, both are happy, more so then they expected, but there is one part of Reese that no one in the past has reached, and Sabrina doesn’t know if she can settle for only half a relationship.

We live a hi-tech world, which makes it too easy for individuals to avoid emotional or personal involvement of any kind. Katherine Garbera hits on this sensitive subject with a bang. In creating a story, she reminds us why we need to lean towards each other instead of away, and that as humans, no matter the emotional or psychological baggage, we need the one on one connection that unconditional love gives us. Watching Reese and Sabrina reveal their pasts, pull them into the present, and deal with the confusion and confrontation, made for a wonderful read. It’s a love story full of desire, transition, and success. Her Baby's Father is sweet, intoxicating romance.

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