ISLAND OF DREAMS by Katherine Stone
Time-Warner  - 2001 - Free Chapter
ISBN: 0446609544 - Paperback
Contemporary Romance 

Reviewed by Renee Wampler,
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The book begins with Gabriel Rourke, a hard-working carpenter, saving a little girl from being abducted by a suspicious stranger.  Edward Prescott, the girl's father, offers Gabriel money or whatever he desires in exchange for his heroic deed.  Gabriel turns down the offer but years later takes him up on his gracious deal.

After thirteen years pass, Gabriel Rourke takes his own life, overcome with grief because of his dear wife's death.  Remembering that Edward Prescott had money and a well-established life style, Gabriel asks him to raise his only son.  Liam is accepted in the Prescott family.  In reading this, I felt sympathy for Liam who had to cope with his mother's death and then his father taking his own life.  What tragedies this little boy has to overcome!

As an adult, Liam Pierce Rourke takes the name of Pierce Rourke. This is one example of how he tries to put his past behind him. He misses his father a great deal.  Pierce meets Ana Finch and becomes intrigued.  Ana has a few hidden secrets of her own.  Together, they get caught up with solving some unanswered questions while trying to fight off their attraction to each other.  This book is full of mystery and romance as Pierce and Ana get to know each other. Can they overcome their tragic pasts to discover their Island of Dreams with each other?

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